Anche nella situazione più disperata, non lasciarti sfuggire le cose belle che la vita ti offre.
Un uomo che camminava per un campo s’imbatté in una tigre.
Si mise a correre, tallonato dalla tigre.
Giunto ad un precipizio, si afferrò alla radice di una vite selvatica e si lasciò penzolare oltre l’orlo.
La tigre lo fiutava dall’alto.
Soltanto la vite lo reggeva.
Due topi, uno bianco e uno nero, cominciarono a rosicchiare pian piano la vite.
L’uomo scorse accanto a sé una bellissima fragola.
Afferrandosi alla vite con una mano sola, con l’altro spiccò la fragola.
Com’era dolce!
Per quanto le difficoltà possano sembrare insormontabili, ci sono sempre degli aspetti positivi da cogliere.
Guarda bene attorno a te, ci sarà di sicuro una bella fragola da gustare.
The Tigers and the Strawberry
Once upon a time, as a man was walking through a forest, he saw a tiger peering out at him from the underbrush.
As the man turned to run, he heard the tiger spring after him to give chase.
Barely ahead of the tiger, running for his life, our hero came to the edge of a steep cliff.
Clinging onto a strong vine, the man climbed over the cliff edge just as the tiger was about to pounce.
Hanging over the side of the cliff, with the hungry tiger pacing above him, the man
looked down and was dismayed to see another tiger, stalking the ravine far below. Just then, a tiny mouse darted out from a crack in the cliff face above him and began to gnaw at the vine.At that precise moment, the man noticed a patch of wild strawberries growing from a clump of earth near where he dangled. Reaching out, he plucked one. It was plump, and perfectly ripe; warmed by the sunshine.
He popped the strawberry into his mouth. It was perfectly delicious.
Tigers above, tigers below.This is actually the predicament that we are always in, in terms of our birth and death.
Each moment is just what it is. It might be the only moment of our life; it might be the only strawberry we’ll ever eat.
Un hombre que viajaba a través de un campo se encontró con un tigre.
Y huyó mientras el tigre lo perseguía.
Al llegar a un precipicio, se agarró de la raíz de una liana y saltó al otro lado.
El tigre lo olfateaba desde arriba.
Temblando, el hombre miraba hacia abajo, donde otro tigre lo esperaba para
devorarlo.Sólo la liana lo sostenía.
»Dos ratones, uno blanco y otro negro, poco a poco, empezaron a roer la liana.
El hombre vio una linda fresa cerca.
Agarrándose bien de la liana con una mano, con la otra cogió la fresa.
¡Qué sabrosa estaba!»
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